
Downloading Songs.

A very unethical deed. "Indeed"

Musicians make very little cash wen it comes to making profit. According to my teacher, her brother made only $1000 from a tour and that didn;t come from the music alone. He had to do some other sales. Musicians have their porducers to pay and some other expenses to pay and their income from just selling the CD might not help. They put it on the net for a faster propagation.

Other mailcious humans crack the protection of the commodity and make it more of a freeware. People can now download the songs without paying to te artist.

If you would ask me, Piracy is as deadly as Al Qaeda. More attention is meant to be given to it compared to the attention focused on the Iraqi war.

The question is: "How can we stop Piracy?"

The answer is : "Piracy can't be stopped!"

Illiterates now possess downloading softwares that help them propagate piracy. They just type in what they want and the software finds "users" that have such media and download it. It musn't always be "users", some other softwares download it directly from sites. In improved countries, these pirates may be tracked but in underdeveloped countries, the pirates go unpunished.

What can our everyday improving technology do about this?


daniela finecountry said...

Yasky, you deserve to work in the recording industry association of America.You will also be a nice spoke person for the music industry.TRY IT, it will be a nice job than that your calculus and physics you like.lol

Anonymous said...

Very nice. I totally agree with you; piracy CANNOT be stopped. but nice try though; with the emotional story

dgenaral said...

Hey..i think i have an idea of stopping piracy, maybe is by silencing anti- pirates like u....ha ha ha...nice brainwork

D..Da Diva said...

Goodness me, u really know your stuff and is so infusiacstic about it, but its true ani how, but the privacyy thing will and can never be stopped. but i actually thought musicians earn a lot. with all their cribs and cars they like showing off.
good work tho